Everywhere We Go! – Czech Republic, September 2020 (Donation 77)

By Micky Ross

It was never really up for discussion, global pandemic or not, the Tartan Army Sunshine Appeal would continue with its donations in the host country of Scotland’s matches. And whilst our usual physical presence was never an option, in what is definitely a first for TASA, we conducted our first ever presentation via a Zoom call on Tuesday 8th September.

Present on the call were Filip Navrátil from The Brave Bear Foundation (https://bravebear.cz/), TASA Chairman: Neil Forbes, vice chair: Paul Smith, Financial Officer: Micky Ross, Secretary: Clark Gillies and long time supporter, Diane Doig.

Brave Bear’s main focus is helping out orphaned children aged up to 18 years old, with the aim to give them more experiences in life. Through their hard work, they are able to organize big events like days out – where the kids are able to get involved in attractions like paddleboarding, segwaying, taking helicopter flights, riding in super-sports cars, parties, horse riding, VR games and many more.

On top of this they also organise smaller events, such as taking children to Jump Parks, cinemas, theatres, bowling alleys or simply visiting them to provide entertainment and learning lessons (mostly English lessons). Another vital part of their organisation is in helping children who are ill with cancer and assisting both them and their families with better medical care, giving them presents and visiting them with some local celebrities

The Tartan Army Sunshine Appeal is very honoured that we will be donating to this wonderful organisation and allowing them to continue their great work.


Belgium – June (Donation 73).

We are pleased to confirm that the recipient of the 73rd consecutive donation, to mark the game against Belgium, will be The Apple Garden which is part of the UZ Hospital in Brussels, where donated (but to a different ward) in 2012.

The following information was supplied by Jeroen from the UZ Hospital:
‘The Apple Garden is a unique haven that unites all children undergoing treatment in the hospital. It is a living space where children can play in a cosy homelike environment thus enabling them to forget at times that they are in a hospital. They receive music therapy, play games, live themselves out in crafting and what not. The Apple Garden has an oncology wing and a wing for other young patients.’

We will confirm the date and time of the donation as soon as we can, as we’d like to be able to welcome as many of our supporters as possible along to the presentation.


Thank you are two small words but mean a lot

We would like to do exactly that and take you back to where ‘we’ started all those years ago.

Those with long enough memories will know that way, way back our roots as a charitable organisation lay in what was called “The Tartan Army Messageboard Sunshine Appeal”.

After a period of time and in an effort to widen the support base, the “messageboard” bit was dropped and we’ve been known as the Tartan Army Sunshine Appeal ever since.

But the people of the messageboard didn’t forget.

Recently the Tartan Army Message Board has had a handover of control from the group of folks who have run it for donkey’s years to a new consortium who have pledged to carry on their good work.

The Old Guard, if we may call them that, emptied their coffers, wound up their affairs, and have donated the fabulous total of £4879 to Sunshine Appeal funds.

We’re taking this opportunity to thank, not only the Old Guard, but also the many hundreds and thousands of Message Board members whose continued visits to the Board enabled the Board to pay for its existence for all those years and build up some mullah in reserve. It is this reserve that has been added to our funds. The Board was kept going by many anonymous, not-so-anonymous, and sometimes even forgotten people. They have our gratitude.

We thank everyone very, very much and wish the new incarnation of the Board all the best for the future.

The Tartan Army Sunshine Appeal

