We thank Kirkcaldy Tartan Army for supporting the Tartan Army Sunshine Appeal. They have sent us this message:-
“Well the weather tried its best to knock out the KTA Sports/Burns dinner recently but we’re made of sterner stuff and it went ahead as planned – although unfortunately, due to the weather, a number of members and guests did not make it.
However, the 105 members, friends and family who managed to attend had a great time. There was plenty eaten, plenty drunk, plenty laughs – but more importantly and thanks to them and to all those who donated raffle and auction prizes, we managed to raise £2078.40.
This will be equally split between our local Baby Care Unit and the Tartan Army Sunshine Appeal, so we’re pleased to say a cheque for £1039.20p will be forwarded to the Sunshine Appeal very soon and hopefully this will help you continue the great work carried out by the Sunshine Appeal.”