Welcome to the legendary Tartan Army Sunshine Appeal SPL Predictor for season 2013/14.
It costs only £10 to join to have 10 months of fun with chums
50% of all entry money will be distributed as prizes and 50% will go to Sunshine Appeal funds.
25% will go to First place
15% will go to Second place
10% will go to Third place.
In addition The Church of Maradona Tartan Army have again kindly agreed to sponsor the monthly competition. Every month the highest points scorer in the mini-league for the month will win £10.
There is a dedicated website for the Predictor Competition and it can be found at www.tasapredictor.co.uk
Thanks for your support.
The rules remain the same as in previous years, viz:-
- Your registration will not be complete until the Tartan Army Sunshine Appeal have received your registration money and have confirmed receipt. It is your responsibility to ensure that you check that you are properly registered.
- It is your responsibility to ensure that your predictions are made before the match kicks off. You may enter as many predictions as far in the future as you wish (or as far as we’ve got the fixtures updated).
- Winners will be contacted and asked to supply details to allow prize money to be sent.
- In the event of any ties, a countback of “correct’ scores for the period in question will be done. The winner will be the person with the highest number of “correct” scores. If this fails to determine a clear winner, a tie-break question will be set.
- The Sunshine Appeal accepts no responsibility for anything bad.